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Browser War Draughts

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There are several alternative sets of rules by which to play draughts, the ones used in this game are based on the rules for American checkers and British draughts.

  1. Object
    The object of the game is to take all your opponent's pieces or place him in a position where he or she can no longer make any moves.
  2. Turns
    Players shall take turns at starting the game. The visitor shall start the first game.
  3. Obligation to move
    A player has to move, a player who can no longer move loses.
  4. Moving pieces
    All pieces and kings can move only diagonally. Pieces and kings can only move to adjacent free black squares except when making a jump (see below). Normal pieces may only move and jump forwards. Kings may move and jump forwards as well as backwards.
  5. Obligation to jump
    If one player's piece has the opposing player's piece as a diagonal neighbour and the square behind the opposing player's piece is unoccupied the player can make a jump and remove his opponent's piece from the board. If a player can make a jump such player has an obligation to jump. If after making a jump another jump is possible the player must jump again (with the exception of pieces that have just been kinged).
  6. Crowning
    Upon reaching the last row on the far side of the board, the so-called king row, a piece is crowned and becomes a king. Being crowned ends the move, a crowned piece may not continue with a jump even if possible.
  7. Referee
    The referee will step in to determine the winner, if during 20 moves (10 by each player), only kings have changed position (i.e. no man has moved forward and no piece has been removed from the board), and there appear to be repeating movements. In such cases the referee will determine the winner according to who holds the strongest position. Kings being worth more and men closer to the king row being worth more than those further away. In the event that both parties are of equal strength the referee shall call a draw.
  8. Nasty rules
    There are several rules which will not be enforced during this game:
    • A piece once touched has to be moved.
    • If you do not make a jump when one is possible you lose your moved piece.
    • A warning is issued after 5 minutes of inactivity if you do not make a move within the next minute you lose the game.
  9. Distractions
    It is prohibited to annoy or distract your opponent. This includes, but is not limited to, making signs or sounds, pointing or hovering over the board with your hands or other body parts, needlessly delaying your moves, blowing smoke in your opponent's face or appearing at the table dressed in a provocative manner.

Alternative version of draughts include such things as, men being able to take pieces backwards, men not being kinged if they have to jump on after reaching the king row and so called flying kings who can move any number of squares diagonally. None of these rules are implemented in this version of the game.


As the computer thinks ahead by several moves, it will be ruthless and unforgiving of any mistakes you might make. However the computer's predictive advantage is less in later stages of the game even though it then thinks ahead a bit further. Although the game is relatively difficult it can be won by normal human beings.

Alternative Languages

The script permits the use of other languages, by using a separate language files. If you are interested in providing a translation into your language, contact me (see e-mail below). A number of sentences need to be translated (see: Supported Languages) as well as the document you are now reading.

Read about the making of Browser War Checkers.
Enjoy playing the checkers game!

Otto de Voogd - e-mail

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